LIT Fest
From the year 2016 onwards, APS is conducting the Kochi Literature festival. While most literary festivals in India promote only English writers, APS promotes writers from all Indian languages, along with English. This years' Litfest, to be held from 15th to 18th December,2022, will feature writers from around twelve Indian languages.
While most Litfests in the country are elitist, and held in five star ambience, keeping away a large majority of the reading public, Kochi Litfest attempts to be inclusive, providing access to writers and readers from every segment of society.
Kochi Litfest, though only six years old, is now one of the largest non commercial litfests, in the country. It is also one of the largest In terms of the number of speakers participating. This year, the number of speakers, will be around 200, in 4 different venues, which include the city colleges.
Kochi Litfest has the unique status of promoting young and emerging writers by providing space for them to introduce their works.